Notes From The wUnderground

Monday July 18th 2016 (First morning waking up in the immersion)

I’m here.

After many, many moons and misadventures and the sweet slow dance with batshit crazy that is me, I am here.

And the truth is, I’ve never felt anything like it before.

I want to find simple words to describe it. Simple, undramatic words, because in some ways this is a truly simple, undramatic thing. A production. A film production. A video production. An Art Production.

Broken down to its brass tacks, a production is just a sequence of logistical events carried out to get the proper resources into the proper place so some person or people can make a thing, properly or not.

In many cases that ‘thing’ doesn’t survive a decade much less a life time – which might help put things into perspective – Meaning, clearly it’s the simple act of making the thing that carries the bulk of the value to it, not the thing itself.

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So I was hoping to find simple words as a reminder, that life is that simple a thing. One wrought with its requisite beauties and horrors however overwhelming, but always quite simple.

At its Quantum Poetic level nothing more than a little: “Whoa. Yes. Fuck. Ow. Slurp. Swoon. Boom & Then Perchance To Die”.

So I woke up this morning feeling all of these things – Whoa. Yes. Fuck. Ow. Slurp. Swoon. Boom – I woke up this morning in what is the first full day of thirty days spent immersed in this project. In this building – Thirty days spent creating a 3 Dimensional Script for an experimental movie I’m already making because it’s about life and I’m alive.

And I see a mountain of stuff – this mountain of creative palette; equal parts ammunition of Superself Expression and the whiplash debris of a DIY Art Storm That Is My Life.

And I think of how so many people have done so very much to get me here. How so much patience has been tested, how so many muscles pulled, how so much money spent, how so many bonds have been broken and formed again, made stronger now by the scar tissue of our former selves.

All to get me here.

Whoa. Yes. Fuck. Ow. Slurp. Swoon. Boom.

And back again…

Thank you. X to the O



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